

Micro implementation of the ACME v02 protocol with a focus on DNS-01 domain validation and minimal dependencies

Macallan TLS

Zero-management Let's Encrypt tooling powered by AWS Lambda, S3, KMS, and Parameter Store

Quack Quack

Faux AWS EC2 local metadata API server enabling auth to AWS IAM from 3rd-party cloud providers through Hashicorp Vault

Calibre Metrics

Prometheus and InfluxDB exporter for Calibre eBook library metrics

Metal Lion

Library and server for rendering pixel-perfect SVG project badges

Spotify Notifications

A native macOS menu bar app which triggers notifications through Notification Center on play state changes

RHoK the Hood

A web app built for Random Hacks of Kindness (Rochester, NY 2013) which overlays US census data on top of a map of the City of Rochester


A dependency-free Python script which performs availability tests and measures DNS query time, connection time, time to first byte, and time to last byte


Automatically expose every object in each of your buckets in every region over HTTP sans auth


An AWS Lambda function which executes commands over SSH and WinRM on remote Unix/Linux/Windows hosts


Rust types and functions for interacting with Calibre eBook library databases


An AWS Lambda function for providing other AWS Lambda functions with ephemeral access to resources behind EC2 and VPC security groups

Location Manager Uplink

An iOS application which streams location data to a self hosted server - lat, long, altitude, speed, direction, etc.


A Python library for writing function args as decorators and performing arg validation based on value, type, etc.


A Dash docset for PowerShell built by scraping Microsoft's documentation site with Python


Framework for building IRC bots in Python


Structured logging, context management, and application configuration on steroids for Python


Rust data structures for managing glyph bounding box datasets and calculating string bounding boxes


Web application for generating glyph bounding box data sets for arbitrary font faces and sizes


A tiny Python library for conveniently executing time-bound code


Rust library generated with Python for the Simple Icons project

Flask Analytics

Extension for the Flask web framework which generates analytics code. Supports various platforms, including Google Analytics, Piwik, Chartbeat, etc.